Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Managers are accountable for all availability, at a time when global resources are more scarce than ever before. Just-in-Time and farm/producer to market are awesome notions, but today are simply not realistic with your current technology stack, and information.

Focal is here to help. What if your stores on-hand data was real-time and accurate. What if shelves were set on a per store basis and adapted in real-time to Chronic Outs and Supply Issues. The second an alert from a vendor came in that they will not be able to supply you for months, AI adapts each store’s shelf allocation and pushes those changes to the store to optimally face over the hole, and gracefully reverses it when the product is available again.

Welcome to FocalOS.

Focal’s Shelf Cameras scan the salesfloor and backrooms hourly in all stores, providing the most accurate picture of your inventory possible. From there, Focal updates IMS to ensure the order is practically 100% truck to shelf. The second you alert Focal of a supply issue, Focal’s AdaPOG (Adaptive Planogramming) adjusts shelf allocation in an optimal way to eliminate the hole, pushes the change to the store for execution via Focal’s Action Tool, and will reverse that change out the second stock begins flowing again, optimizing cost-of-goods and streamlining transportation from origin to shelf.

That is the power of AI!


1 - Focal’s Shelf Cameras digitize your sales-floor, backroom, and top-stock hourly

By monitoring your shelves 24/7/365 with enterprise-grade, cost effective AI-powered cameras, we provide accurate and actionable information that feeds FocalOS to “drive” your store for you.

2 - Focal’s AI detects ins, outs, lows, POG non-compliance, spoiled produce, and more

Focal’s Deep Learning Computer Vision is the most accurate shelf digitalization technology in the world. Trained on over 1.4B labeled images, this is the heart of our secret sauce! First, we remove all “people-pixels” to eliminate all PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Then, we detect ins, outs, lows, POG non-compliance, spoiled produce, and more.

3 - Focal scans backrooms and topstock, to ensure over-ordering doesn’t happen.

Focal’s backroom cameras scan every box in the store, every hour of the day, to ensure IMS is as accurate as possible.

4 - Focal’s AdaPOG (Adaptive Planogramming AI) creates recommendations to fix
Chronic Outs and Known Supply Issues to stop Out of Stocks at the root

The root cause of over half of the out of stocks in a store have nothing to do with store execution, it has to do with under-allocation and supply issues. Focal’s AI “adapts” planograms in real-time on a per store basis, to fix these issues as soon as they are detected. This dramatically increases On-Shelf Availability and Sales, while decreasing labor required to constantly fill under-allocated SKUs.