Focal’s Stocker Action Tool manages for you with the most intuitive Task Management platform ever built

Focal’s Stocker Action Tool automatically assigns and prioritizes work to ensure Stockers are working on the most important tasks at any time. The second Focal’s shelf cameras detect a new out of stock or low, FocalOS updates Stocker Action Tool with the out, and sorts it in order of Lost Sales to ensure they are always working on the most important outs first. This has proven to increase sales with less labor. We have conducted time and motion studies that have proven this increases Stocker productivity by 2.5x. Additionally, Stockers love how easy to use and intuitive the application is.

  • Easy to train and use

  • Little to no integration needed

  • Real-time Prioritized Restocking

  • Stocker feedback on False Restocks or POG Non-Compliance

  • In-app Gamification

  • Extensible, allowing you to “push” more tasks to Stockers

1 - Focal’s Shelf Cameras digitize your sales-floor, backroom, and top-stock hourly

Focal’s has developed a cost-effective, high-resolution shelf camera that has the power to scan barcodes and QR codes from twenty feet away. This enables hourly scans of your inventory so you know exactly what you have on hand.

2 - Focal’s AI runs on each image to detect ins, outs, lows, and more

Focal has developed the most accurate Deep Learning Computer Vision models in the industry, trained on over 1.4 billion labeled images taken from retailers around the globe from over one hundred thousand deployed cameras. First, these AI models scrub the images of all PII (Personally Identifiable Information) so no customer or employee image data is ever retained or tracked. Then, these AI models accurately detect ins, outs, lows, planogram non-compliance, restock events, and spoiled produce hourly. This data is fed downstream to all other applications to “drive the store” for you. If the AI detects an out of stock and inventory in the backroom, FocalOS adds the product to the picklist in Action Tool in order of Lost Sales. If no backstock, FocalOS orders more product. All restock events are tallied up per associate, so you can track productivity automatically.

3 - Focal’s Action Tool guides and prioritizes restocking to increase productivity by 2.5x

By scanning in your entire salesfloor and inventory hourly, Focal takes all the “search time” out of the process. Our time and motion studies have proven that this causes a 2.5x speed up in productivity.

4 - Sort aisles by lost sales so your team is always working the most important aisles first

If Tide and Mint Jelly were both out of stock, which one should you stock first?

FocalOS always knows the state of your store, and the most important actions to work at anytime.

Our recommended SOP is to have Stockers always work the highest lost sales aisle. This recoups more Lost Sales with the same labor, decreasing your overall labor to sales ratio.

5 - Scan to pick or investigate

Imagine yourself in the backroom looking at piles of boxes. The question you will likely have, which of these boxes can fit on the sales floor?

By scanning in any box in the backroom, Stocker Action Tool instantly pulls up the most recent image of that product and where it is so you know exactly what can fit, saving you hours of labor shuttling product to and from the backroom.

6 - Make Stocking fun again with “Gamification”

Focal believes Stockers are in sales, not replenishment.

They are tasked with getting your customers the availability they need to increase NPS and Sales. They want to know they are doing a good job or not.

Stocker Action Tool congratulates Stockers on the Lost Sales they have recouped with more restocking. Stocker Action Tool gives them the praise they deserve and lets everyone else on the team and in leadership know it!

7 - Store Manager Texts / Emails so they are always in the know

Store Managers are constantly on their feet. It is not likely that they are going to have time to open up a dashboard on a computer.

Understanding this, Focal Stocker Action Tool can be configured as a text or email interface to ping Store Managers on their team’s progress and easy wins they can go after to recoup more Lost Sales.

Store Managers love this!

8 - Create customized and flexible State-of-the-Union Emails and Texts for the whole team

Retailers all have different terminology (like BOH, or PI, or IMS, etc) and they want their reporting in their own way. Focal Impact allows you to configure and customize Focal Stocker Action Tool however you want!

9 - FocalOS “

Help Desk” and live Chat Support

Your team is working day and night to get product on the shelf for your customers, so its only right that we are working day and night to support you just the same!

Stocker Action Tool allows a Help Desk Live Chat system to let any stocker or team-member contact us at any time to get real-time support.

10 - Monitor per Stocker productivity with real-time image data validation

Tracking your team’s performance is critical to ensuring success. But you can not be in all places at once, monitoring progress. With Focal Stocker Action Tool, FocalOS assigns completed work to associates so you know exactly the performance of each employee down to the hour.

This is hugely useful for identifying strong performers that deserve praise or a promotion and under-performers that need help or retraining.

11 - Get Chain-wide “End of Day” Action Reports with Image-based Validation

As a VP of Operations or corporate user, you may want to know how your stores are performing.

So FocalOS allows for a chain-level view of your stores with a nightly email summarizing how each store is doing rank sorted by performance.

12 - Execute Planograms with priority and image based validation

Throw away the printed out POG packet!

Focal Stocker Action Tool allows seamless integration with JDA or Relex to permit you to execute POG Resets or Refreshes and assign a priority to each one.

Once completed, Focal’s Shelf Cameras validate that the POG was implemented correctly. If not, it automatically sends it back to the associate to fix.

If they can not complete it, the associate can specify why so you are always in the know.

13 - Customizable Task Cards and Action Types

Focal Stocker Action Tool is completely customizable. So if you want to add new tasks types or configure new cards or formats, go right ahead!

14 - Extensible Task Lists allowing you to send us any task, anyway you want, with any prioritization

Because Focal Stocker Action Tool is so intuitive, and easy to train to, retailers have promoted Focal Stocker Action Tool to their general purpose Task Management System!

You can ping our APIs with any task type with any level of priority, and it will magically appear in Stocker Action Tool for the Stocker to perform in rank sorted order of priority, with an API response with the completed action and response code from the associate.

15 - User Management and SSO integration

Focal Impact allows complete SSO integration or, if you do not have your own, custom User Access Management for Stocker Action Tool.

This leads to a 50x ROI

Proven with some of the largest retailers in the world, Focal’s Stocker Action Tool drives down labor to sales, shrink, and substitutions and drives up productivity, sales, EBITDA, and NPS.