
As the Head of Finance for the chain, you are responsible for building accurate models, delivering guideline earnings to investors that you can hit, and ensuring the organization remains fiscally responsible.

Most of the organization is not aware of what Free Cash Flow is, and why it’s important. You keep the organization focused and prioritized on it.

What if you had an Enterprise-wide AI system that spanned across the entire organizations, Merch, Supply Chain, Ops, and more, that was constantly analyzing each decision in the chain against EBITDA on a per linear foot, per labor hour, per SKU, per store basis, constantly and automatically making small tweaks to the POG, to staff schedules, to orders, and more to drive EBITDA growth.

This is FocalOS. It is designed from the ground up to drive EBITDA growth. Developed by CFA-trained, AI engineers, FocalOS promises to “drive your stores” for you to optimize EBITDA with less and less management over time. FocalOS rests on a massive simulator called FocalSim that is a digital-twin of your stores, and allows you to run “virtual POCs” in thousands of stores for thousands of years in seconds. It will run side by side comparisons on EBITDA between two different labor schedules, two different POGs, two different open/close times, and perform in each case a Monte Carlo Simulation to estimate the full P&L of each configuration, allowing you (and the AI) to learn the best decisions for your stores.


FocalOS enables the “Self-Driving Store”

FocalOS seamlessly integrates, automates, and optimizes: 

  • ordering

  • restocking

  • category management

  • e-comm platform management

  • productivity measurement

  • and much more

FocalOS is the highest ROI initiative in retail

Proven with some of the largest retailers in the world, FocalOS drives down labor to sales, shrink, and substitutions and drives up sales, EBITDA, and NPS.

Simulate real-world scenarios to model your financials

  • What if there's another COVID spike?

  • What if there are supply chain issues with this set of products?

  • What if you wanted to rationalize new SKUs to the store?

Create any potential situation that could happen in the store rather than requiring you to go test that out in one or two stores for three months.

With Focal, you're able to run through these simulations to assess the best course of action for each individual store and how these results can help you forecast your earnings.