Store Managers

You wear all the hats: customer advocate, operator, merchandiser, marketer, community evangelist, supply chain analyst, recruiter, trainer and coach. You have to deal with it all, supply shortages, labor shortages, product recalls, impossible to implement planograms, frustrated customers, and further budget cuts. You deserve technology that frees you up, not holds you back.

Imagine if inventory management was completely automated for you. Imagine if you had planograms that adapted to your store and your customer’s buying habits to keep your shelves fuller for longer. Imagine if you never had to set a schedule or create and hand out task lists ever again. Imagine if you could teleport into your store from anywhere in the world, and see real images of your shelves taken in the last 30 minutes.

Welcome to FocalOS.

1 - Focal’s Shelf Cameras digitize your sales-floor, backroom, and top-stock hourly

By monitoring your shelves 24/7/365 with enterprise-grade, cost effective AI-powered cameras, we provide accurate and actionable information that feeds FocalOS to “drive” your store for you.

2 - Focal’s AI detects ins, outs, lows, POG non-compliance, spoiled produce, and more

Focal’s Deep Learning Computer Vision is the most accurate shelf digitalization technology in the world. Trained on over 1.4B labeled images, this is the heart of our secret sauce! First, we remove all “people-pixels” to eliminate all PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Then, we detect ins, outs, lows, POG non-compliance, spoiled produce, and more.

3 - Focal’s Action Tool ranks outs by lost sales and empowers stockers to work outs in order of importance

Focal’s Action Tool is the most easy to use task management system. By “showing” the stockers exactly where to get product in the backroom and guiding them to where to stock it on the salesfloor, and which products to work first, Focal’s Action Tool leads to huge productivity savings and an increase in employee NPS.

4 - FocalOS allows you to “teleport” to every store in your chain in seconds

As a leader, you know how important it is to be there and see for yourself what is going on, or as the Japanese say “Genchi Genbutsu”. But given the realities of your day, you just can not be in every aisle, every hour.

What if you could instantly visit every inch of your store, even when you aren’t there, teleporting around the store in seconds to see for yourself what is going on. With FocalOS, now you can.

1 - Cut the manual scan.

The first and most obvious benefit of FocalOS for your store is to stop manually scanning your shelves. Focal’s real-time shelf digitization scans your shelves 24 times a day, at higher accuracy than your current system, for half the cost.

There is no more need to rely on manual scanning or on inaccurate Sales-based algorithms. Focal provides the most accurate picture (literally!) of what is actually happening on your shelves in real-time.

2 - Stop chasing ghost inventory.

Focal’s Shelf Cameras digitize your entire salesfloor and backroom every hour of the day, and will update IMS based on what it sees. If the cameras, do not see product in the backroom or salesfloor, we zero it out automatically. It does not matter what IMS says. This saves your associates hours each day hunting down ghost inventory and trying to find boxes in the backroom.

3 - Real-time produce management to reduce shrink.

Managing fresh has to be the hardest part of running a grocery store. Is your team culling? Are they replenishing quickly? Are they over-ordering? Does your produce look fresh?

With Focal’s real-time shelf images and digitization, Focal can provide all of this information to you in every store, every hour. Focal alerts your staff in seconds of out of stocks occurring, ensuring your produce area looks as pristine as possible while preventing over-ordering that leads to shrink.

4 - The most accurate ordering possible.

Imagine if you had your team scanning your store every hour of the day, up until cut-off to the warehouse. How much more accurate would your ordering be? That is what Focal’s real-time shelf digitization enables. FocalOS scans your shelves and updates IMS hourly. This prevents over- or under-ordering which drives inventory and shrink down, and labor productivity way up.

5 - No more stale task lists.

Because Focal’s Shelf Cameras are constantly scanning your shelves, the second an out of stock occurs, Focal detects it, checks your backroom to see if it is “Workable” and then re-prioritizes your stockers task list to ensure they are always working on the most important out of stocks first. This meaningfully increases recouped lost sales per labor hour. No more stale print-outs.

6 - Measure stocker productivity down to the hour.

Focal’s real-time shelf digitization detects “restock” events as well. With this information, you can measure each associate’s productivity down to the hour, to ensure every team member is hitting their labor rates consistently. This provides management the information they need to make the right staffing decisions; to praise top performance, and to coach or retrain weaker performers.

Proven with some of the largest retailers in the world

We have deployed thousands of stores with our technology, come take Focal for a test drive today!